Frequently asked questions


  • What is the “Creators for Ukraine” fund? The fund was set up by CISAC and its member societies to help the victims of war in Ukraine. Donations made to the solidarity fund will be used to help refugees fleeing the war as well as projects specifically targeted at helping Ukrainian creators. The fund is part of a wider initiative


  • Who manages the fund? It is managed by CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers


  • How will donations be used? They will be used for a number of specific purposes:


  • to help pay for the continued operation of CISAC’s Ukrainian member societies.
  • to support the work of Polish music society ZAIKS which is taking the lead in helping refugees in the region.
  • to distribute to the CISAC member authors societies in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and neighbouring countries who can direct them to local charities
  • to support specific initiatives helping Ukrainian creators
  • to contribute directly to specific humanitarian charities helping Ukraine


  • Who can donate? The solidarity fund aims to raise financial contributions from CISAC member societies, and other organisations, on behalf of their member creators. Bank transfers to the registered account are limited to collective management and other professional organisations representing creators.


  • Can individuals make donations? Although the fund is aimed at organisations (see above), creators or other individuals may donate using the bank details below.  Alternatively they may ask to make a payment to the CISAC fund via a their own authors society.


  • Does the “Creators for Ukraine” fund have charitable status? CISAC does not have charitable status, so please be aware that there are no tax deductions for donations


  • What are the bank details for transfers?  The bank details for transfers by organisations are below.
  • Fond de soutien / Support Fund
  • IBAN : FR76 3005 6009 1709 1703 3888 562
  • 20/26 Bd du Parc – 92200 NEUILLY sur Seine - FRANCE

  • If you want to donate directly to Poland (ZAiKS) then use accounts:

    95 1030 1016 0000 0000 0290 2003 - (PLN)

    68 1030 1016 0000 0000 0290 2004 - (EUR)

    41 1030 1016 0000 0000 0290 2005 - (USD)

    (See SWIFT details
  • How will the donations and distributions be reported? CISAC will report back on the contributions received and the details of the fund’s distributions


  • What is the contact for further information? In the first instance please contact